Giant Continental Rabbits
(Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Giant continental rabbits are our biggest rabbits on the farm, just like smaller rabbit breeds they are fluffy, confident and have big ears. Take a look at their ears, they are around a quarter of the size of their body!
The largest Giant Continental rabbit ever recorded was just over 50pounds and 4ft 4 in length!
We have lots of different coloured continentals from light great to white and chinchilla. As their coat is soft and dense we can groom them to help keep them nice and healthy.
Rabbits teeth continue to grow as they get older, so rabbits need plenty of gnawing materials, so they can chew and keep their teeth in good order.
Baby rabbits are called Kittens and a mummy rabbit can have between 6-12 babies each time.

Where can you see our Giant Continentals?

Our giant continentals live in their rabbit house ‘The Rabbit Warren’ in the Silver barn.

A WPF Secret

They are intelligent animals and know their names when the farmers call them.

The Key Facts

Giant continentals come from mainland Europe.

Food and Diet
Our Giant Continentals love to eat hay and leafy greens, broccoli is a healthy treat that also contains a lot of water helping them to stay hydrated.

Giant continentals usually weigh around 12pounds minimum and often weigh more than 16pounds, making them a little tricky to handle.

Population in the World
Their population in the world is unknown.

Conservation Status
Giant Continental Rabbits are not listed on the IUCN red list.

Take a closer look

Animal Encounters

Our Animal Encounters are a great way to get up-close and personal to your favourite farm animal for an interative 30 minute experience for your group of up to 6 people.

You will need to purchase individual daytime admission tickets if you wish to stay on the farm after your encounter.


Animal Sponsorship

Our animal sponsorship is a great way to support the Farm. We have 3 different levels of sponsorship available for a selection of our animals which is valid for a year from purchase.

Each animal sponsorship comes with its own certificate and you also get the opportunity to visit us here at the Farm.
